Here at Eclipse California, we offer hands-on training to all those who join our team. We provide guidance and coaching to ensure that our people know how to oversee human capital and business assets. Associates master best practices and practical knowledge in all things related to customer acquisition campaigns.
We call our knowledge system the Young Entrepreneur Program, because it teaches people to treat themselves and their career journeys as their own businesses. We rotate trainees through each area of our company so that they learn how to excel in every position, and one day lead team members who occupy those roles. This approach means that from day one, new hires are involved with real-time projects – not theories or models – and are working out answers to current challenges.
By allowing our newest people to take part in active campaigns, we teach one of our Eclipse California values – teamwork. Our company functions best when we work together, and by moving our trainees through departments we ensure that each person feels like they’re part of the company as a whole – not just one group. This also gives learners the chance to learn from several team leaders, giving a big-picture viewpoint of what we do.
By helping our people achieve their potential, we unleash the power of our business model. To learn more about our focus on training, like Eclipse California on Facebook.