Nail Your Performance Review Using These Strategies

Throughout Eclipse California, we exchange constructive feedback on a frequent basis. We also undergo formal performance reviews, however. These meetings not only help us understand what we do well and how we can improve, they allow us to share our own thoughts and expectations for the future.

Regardless of our individual goals, we all prepare thoroughly for our reviews. We want to effectively make our cases for advancement. Preparation begins with some questions. We ask ourselves how our latest achievements will be measured, and consider how we would like to be rewarded for our efforts. The more specific the details, the better.

We also take thorough notes, during the preparation stage as well as the performance reviews themselves. The last thing we want is to forget important details! After our meetings, we even email our notes to our managers (along with thanks for their time). Doing so ensures that everyone is on the same page.

After we’ve concluded our performance reviews, we keep track of our progress and keep our supervisors updated. We also explain how our efforts contribute to the success of Eclipse California. This way, our commitments to company and career growth are clear.

Performance reviews aren’t exactly popular in many companies, but we make sure they’re positive and productive experiences. Like Eclipse California on Newswire to find more insights on this subject.