How to Ace an Interview and Get That Job

If there’s one time we all want to make the best impression we can make, it’s during a job interview. Eclipse California is a rapidly growing firm, which means we’re continually recruiting and meeting with candidates from whom we select the best and brightest to join our team. During the course of our hiring process, we’ve discovered a few features that standout applicants display.

A first impression starts with a visual appearance. Therefore, we take note of sharp-dressed, well-groomed candidates. By this, we mean we view people more favorably when they arrive for the interview in business attire that’s clean, pressed, and fits properly.

Our Eclipse California interview process measures resourcefulness and preparation. We expect candidates to know a thing or two about our organization and have some ideas on how they can contribute. Since we live in a world in which information is constantly at our fingertips, there’s every opportunity to conduct research before meeting with potential employers.

Applicants who are self-aware are also more likely to make the cut in any job interview setting. This means being able to articulate how they’ve added value in past positions, their strengths, and where they know they need to grow. There are several questions hiring managers will ask to elicit this type of information, so some prior reflection can help us project confidence in our answers.

The next opportunity to join our team is fast approaching. Check out the Eclipse California Newswire for announcements on our next recruitment campaign.